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LawRank Review 2024: Details, Pricing, and More


It is one thing for LawRank to have built a reputation as one of the better law firm marketing agencies. It is another to know if the company is the one that will successfully grow your legal business. This review discusses its solutions, customer reviews, and client results to help you decide.


  • LawRank specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) to increase clients’ organic traffic and attract highly qualified leads that they can quickly turn into new cases.
  • The agency’s web design service helps improve the appearance of clients’ websites, while its paid ads solutions allow them to acquire more potential cases from a different channel.
  • The agency emphasizes too much on SEO and PPC services, and while they can generate leads, it may be expensive. On The Map Marketing provides you with a more value for money end-to-end digital marketing services.

Note: Our experience in helping law firms across various practice areas grow their web presence is well-documented in our case studies and the 5-star reviews we have received. Contact us if you wish to know more about how we can do the same for your legal business.

What is Lawrank?

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LawRank can help your wrongful death and personal injury law firm reach the first page of Google with web design and SEO services. Its web design also helps your business make a good first impression on your target audience and convert visitors into clients.

LawRank Services Offered

The digital marketing agency offers a wealth of services, including social media marketing, website maintenance, and brand design. But below are its popular solutions that have helped past and current clients improve their web traffic and attract more highly targeted leads:

Search Engine Optimization

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LawRank discusses your website and digital marketing goals before preparing a custom SEO strategy. The tactics included in the campaign depend on what can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

If your site does not have enough useful content, the agency proposes a content marketing plan to publish high-quality content that your audience wants to read. It can also develop a link building campaign if your site has a low domain authority. By acquiring backlinks from authoritative websites, you help inform search engines that your site is trustworthy.

The agency’s local SEO efforts include managing and optimizing your Google Business Profile (GBP). Finally, LawRank executes an on-site optimization process that involves building internal links to related pages on your site and adding hi-res images with alt texts optimized for their keywords. These can increase your Google search rankings faster, resulting in more potential customers.


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Law Rank helps firms generate more phone calls for their services through its pay-per-click (PPC) advertising service. Its team of certified Google partners launches high-level ad campaigns that will generate results even for competitive legal industries. They also create a conversion-focused landing page to convince visitors to call or sign up for a form.

After launching your Google Ads campaign, the SEO agency gives you a call tracking dashboard to provide information about each caller to help further aid your marketing efforts. It also gives you access to the Google AdWords dashboard to know how much you spend for each campaign. Finally, LawRank makes campaign changes on the fly to maximize its results and acquire more leads for you.

Web Design

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If you need a new amazing website or want to revamp your existing site design, LawRank can do both for you. Its design team implements the best web design practices to capture your audience’s attention and get them to browse your site pages. The agency builds your site on WordPress and uses elements like background hero video to achieve this.

All website designs LawRank creates are optimized to rank for search engines. They are user-friendly, mobile-responsiveness, and load very fast, making them easier for search spiders to crawl. At the same time, the WordPress website the agency will create for you has eye-catching calls to action (CTAs), thus increasing the chances of turning visitors into clients.

LawRank Ratings Across Directories

Unlike other SEO firms, LawRank is beloved by users across all review sites. Lawyerist gave LawRank a 4.3/5 star rating. It considers the agency’s SEO services, including web content creation and link building, its bread and butter, along with its excellent communication skills. Lawyerist nonetheless pointed out that LawRank does not offer offline and email marketing, as well as video production.

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The marketing company also has a very good reputation on Google, with an average star rating of 4.8/5 from 17 reviewers. Customers loved how LawRank took the time to learn about their businesses and its account managers’ responsiveness regarding questions and inquiries. This leads to them getting highly qualified website leads that they can easily convert into clients.

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Things continue swimmingly for LawRank as it received a perfect 5/5 star rating from 21 Clutch users. They all commended the agency’s legal marketing knowledge in developing a custom campaign for their needs. LawRank’s transparency to tactics that are working and not reflects its commitment and accountability to helping law firms succeed.

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Top Client Results

Mission Legal Center struggles to rank its website on organic and local searches. Upon entering the fray, LawRank changed the name to Mission Personal Injury Lawyers, created a brand-new site, and performed GMB optimization. The agency also developed a content strategy targeting relevant high-traffic keywords. The result is a 6,821% increase in organic traffic and a 300% boost in phone calls.

Board-certified personal injury lawyer Brian White hired LawRank to improve his online marketing efforts. After analyzing the website for issues, the agency found it has low-quality content, causing its non-existent local visibility and link profile. By fine-tuning its content for its blog and practice areas, the agency increased its traffic by 92% and phone calls by 1,132%.

On The Map Marketing Vs. LawRank

LawRankOn The Map Marketing
Knows how to develop and implement successful digital marketing campaigns, from web design to SEO, exclusively for law firms.Started with helping attorneys rank on the map, and continues to excel in helping law firms dominate local search — even in the most competitive markets.
Has excellent customer care and support that swiftly addresses client inquiries and provides them with expert advice.Assigns a dedicated project manager who will assist with your questions and concerns about the strategy. The manager will also update you on the campaign’s progress and results.
Too much focus on SEO and PPC (to an extent) that it does not provide its clients with other marketing channels to reach out to their target audience.Provides consistent and excellent digital marketing services, from SEO to email marketing, to help its clients maximize their online presence across all channels.

Despite not offering online advertising solutions, the strength of LawRank’s digital marketing services makes this agency a viable choice for growing your legal business. Part of its success is the expertise and availability of its project managers to respond and help clients at any time. Its proven track record and generally positive customer reviews further fortify its case.

On The Map Marketing offers the same customer support and law firm marketing knowledge as LawRank. It is also well-versed in other marketing channels, so you can get more leads and cases from various sources and not rely on a single one. Get a free website marketing audit from us to know which aspects of your marketing strategy you need the most help with.

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